Our Team

We exist to empower young people to become happy, healthy and community-transformers. There are thousands of young people who can be magnetised by Basketball then led to greater wellbeing and to have a greater impact on their own community.

"I just wanted to thank you. 💎 mentioned how much her confidence and self belief has grown because of your organisation. She’s been the top scorer in her school basketball and netball matches and has led in winning her netball matches. The latest game was with [School] and [School] win 11-1. She credited the work you all have done in developing her self esteem and she has improved mental health too. Many Thanks 💎’s Mum😊"
Young Person's Mum
After they attended our Mixed Gender Community Hub

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Join us

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” (African Proverb)

We love functioning as a part of a wider community. Here is how you or your connections can join our journey.

“Guardian Ballers has become an integral part of our School Community empowering hundreds of children to discuss their feelings and emotions openly and confidently. The elite training for our basketball teams has increased whole-school sporting participation and the results that our teams achieve. The dedication of the team to the betterment of our students' lives matches our vision for providing the best for our students both academically and for personal development of the self"
Headteacher at Multi-Academy Trust
After witnessing impact and investing weekly into Guardian Ballers partnership for over 18 months


Page is updated Monthly as new events for the public become available.
Connect with us on social media @guardianballersuk to get updates!

If you want to book or collaborate with us for an event, see our Programmes page for ideas then Contact Us.

"I just wanted to thank you. 💎 mentioned how much her confidence and self belief has grown because of your organisation. She’s been the top scorer in her school basketball and netball matches and has led in winning her netball matches. The latest game was with [School] and [School] win 11-1. She credited the work you all have done in developing her self esteem and she has improved mental health too. Many Thanks 💎’s Mum😊"
Young Person's Mum
After they attended our Mixed Gender Community Hub


For more infomation about our programmes or to book our services, please Contact Us


Guardian Ballers helps me merge my Psychology A Level studies and love for Basketball. My first Guardian Ballers programme helped me discover new ways of how me and my friends could respond to the obstacles that life threw at us.
Ashea (Young Leader on the RE-PRESENT journey)
Shared to 40 other teenagers at the Girls Community Hub



If you prefer to embrace stories, make yourself a drink and watch our professionally produced “Guardian Ballers Life Stories” mini documentary. 


Through 2021-22 evaluations (co-created and monitored with Coventry and Warwickshire Mind), our Guardian Ballers participants also reported that: 

“The elite players found the sessions relatable to their every day lives.. they came and told me that they now had tools to take back to their local settings… I wish I had this sort of support when I was a young professional player!”
Danny Williams (Basketball England Talent Manager)
After a Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Workshop at England Central SuperHub


We want to empower a generation of “Guardian Ballers” that are happy and healthy, so they can transform the world around them.


Guardian Ballers focuses mainly on young people aged 10-25 to empower them to BALL-BE-BETTER:

BALL | Enabling engagement, progression and enjoyment in the Sport of Basketball.

BE | Educating about mental and emotional well-being, exploring the value of character and identity, as a foundation for impacting current and future life circumstances.

BETTER | Facilitating practical experiences with local charities and community organisations, to discover how to make the world better.

We act to empower young people to #BallBeBetter through a variety of Programmes such as: School enrichment delivery; Community journeys and Partnerships; Holiday Experiences and Events; Leadership growth; Charity engagement; Special events; Elite Sport Support; Intervention; Creative and Entrepreneurship development; Partnership-working with public services and Faith communities.

To tackle disparities and injustices that exist in societal, mental health and sporting statistics, we focus our delivery (not exclusively, but intentionally) on targeted communities: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities, those from Lower Socio-Economic backgrounds, and Females.
N.B. We do not exclude any population, but we do aim to bring equity to tackle disproportions in data.


“The elite players found the sessions relatable to their every day lives.. they came and told me that they now had tools to take back to their local settings… I wish I had this sort of support when I was a young professional player!”
Danny Williams (Basketball England Talent Manager)
After a Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Workshop at England Central SuperHub


I felt overwhelmed that I could have such an impact on the lives of so many young people. My confidence to communicate has grown exponentially since I started. Initially I was so anxious to speak to young people but now I feel more comfortable to speak up and help young people engage in the Guardian Ballers Sessions!
Chris George (Coventry University Sandwich-Placement Intern 22-23)