Join us

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” (African Proverb)

We love functioning as a part of a wider community. Here is how you or your connections can join our journey.


WE’RE HIRING! Casual and Part-time Jobs


Volunteering with us

The strength of our organisation is expressed through the power of our volunteering team.

We have a variety of volunteering roles:

  • Assisting our staff with delivery during the school day / office hours
  • Supporting our staff with evening and community delivery
  • Collaborating with out-of-hours tasks (such as, social media post creating and scheduling, creative media projects and image capturing)
  • Emergent roles that we might not have thought of yet- we’re open to ideas!

Our commitment to Guardian Ballers Volunteers:

  • Checks and training to equip you for working with young people in Guardian Ballers operations
  • Experiences working with diverse communities
  • Support and supervision from Guardian Ballers staff (i.e. safe and collaborative working environments)
  • Communication of our internal and external opportunities with us

What we are looking for in Guardian Ballers Volunteers:

  • To embody our culture and embrace of mission

  • Availability to help out (in person or remotely) for at least one hour every two weeks (preferably weekly) during School term times OR commitment to assist at holiday experiences/camps

  • Attend all of our ‘Leaders Gatherings’ (every 4 months) to keep up-to-date with updates, training and to co-create vision with the team

  • To have a current lifestyle that will enable a minimum of 6 month term/commitment

N.B. We love to grow a dynamic team so if you have a passion to be on team but have some availability challenges, please chat to a member of our team so we can see what arrangements can work!


Prospective volunteer’s previous experience, response rates, DBS/Police check status, and ability to attend induction training, all determine how long it will be until they are able to actively volunteer (4-8 week timeline on average).

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please Contact us.

Donate your Time, Skills or Funds

Every hour with a young person, every event and every effort that resulted in a transformed life costs money.

We loved partnering with the ‘HR Dept’ business to welcome their staff to experience our programme and meet our young people!

As a small, charitable-sector organisation, time/skills and financial support can help us reach more young people so here is how you (or someone you know) could support us:

PROJECTS | Be a delivery or visiting Special Guest and/or Fund a project or programme that reaches multiple young people over an extended duration.
e.g. Godiva Lions sponsored a project in Corley Academy (Special School); Staff from the HR Dept were special guest ‘assistant leader’ on a HAF Experience.

YOUNG PEOPLE SPACES | Sponsor one or multiple young people to have a direct impact on their journey towards greater mental and emotional wellbeing, Basketball engagement and Community impact.
e.g. CLM Church sponsored a Community Event in a Housing Estate.

RESOURCES AND TOOLS | Help us acquire resources and tools that enable us to deliver a more enhanced experience to the young people.
e.g. #CovConnects (via WMCA) donated x20 Chromebooks to help us improve Digital Literacy.

There are so many ways to support us, such as, increasing your public exposure by sponsoring the kit that Young people are given (with your logo being displayed), to donating your time to train our team, and many more!

To explore how you can Donate your Time, Skills or Funds, please Contact us or Donate here.


Strategic Partnerships

We choose to work in partnership with like-minded individuals and organisations.

Our intention is to deliver all of our services in partnership with the local and national stakeholders in the areas where we are operating.

Our heart is to operate centrally (but not exclusively) amidst Mental Health Providers, Sport and Physical Activity Organisations and Local Community Partners. We know that we can make the biggest impact when we function on a wider team.

If you, your organisation, or someone you know would like to explore partnership with us on a short, medium or long-term, please Contact us.

Connect us to your network

Join Our Team by inviting us to join your network!

Spotlight example- Through our partnership with Think Active, we were connected to Stickz and Stonez where we co-produced an ‘Entrepreneurship and Design Workshop’

"I just wanted to thank you. 💎 mentioned how much her confidence and self belief has grown because of your organisation. She’s been the top scorer in her school basketball and netball matches and has led in winning her netball matches. The latest game was with [School] and [School] win 11-1. She credited the work you all have done in developing her self esteem and she has improved mental health too. Many Thanks 💎’s Mum😊"
Young Person's Mum
After they attended our Mixed Gender Community Hub

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