
We are proud to be reaching communities that are diverse and to be tackling the disproportions in mental health, sporting, and socio-economic statistics by focusing (not exclusively, but intentionally) delivery on certain communities: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities, those from Lower Socio-Economic backgrounds, and Females.  

You can’t capture comprehension stories of life transformation in numbers, but statistics are helpful to show the trend and trajectory of our work so far (numbers reflect April 2021-22 annual impact data). 

Young People and Adults, aged 8-25, attended a 4+ week or 4+ hour GB journey (average over three years)
Reported that our GB journey positively impacted their wellbeing and physical activity levels (average over three years)
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (average over three years)
Receiving support through Free School Meals, Additional Needs Provision and H.A.F. eligible (average over three years)
Girls and Young Women are a valued proportion of the Guardian Ballers Community (average over three years)


If you prefer to embrace stories, make yourself a drink and watch our professionally produced “Guardian Ballers Life Stories” mini documentary. 


Through 2021-22 evaluations (co-created and monitored with Coventry and Warwickshire Mind), our Guardian Ballers participants also reported that: 

  • 45% Did not attend/access any physical or mental health activity before engaging with Guardian Ballers. 

  • 82% said their mental health improved 

  • 84% felt more secure in their community 

  • 76% reflected that they improved their vocation and volunteer engagement 

  • 89% felt more able to socialise with others 

  • 87% said their physical health improved 

  • 82% wanted to do more Guardian Ballers sessions

“Guardian Ballers has become an integral part of our School Community empowering hundreds of children to discuss their feelings and emotions openly and confidently. The elite training for our basketball teams has increased whole-school sporting participation and the results that our teams achieve. The dedication of the team to the betterment of our students' lives matches our vision for providing the best for our students both academically and for personal development of the self"
Headteacher at Multi-Academy Trust
After witnessing impact and investing weekly into Guardian Ballers partnership for over 18 months

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